Areas of Learning Personal Social And Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding The World Expressive Arts and Design Personal Social And Emotional Development Making relationships What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I depend on close attachments with a special person. I need to spend time and create bonds with you. I enjoy looking at people and watching what they are doing. Allow me to develop interest about my immediate environment, by observing you as you do your own home activities. I am ready to be social through using sensory abilities; following movement and gazing at faces intently. Respond sensitively and quickly to babies and young children’s needs, holding and comforting each child as they need Sense of self What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I learn about my physical self through exploratory play with my hands and feet and movement. Provide many opportunities for babies to explore how their bodies move by giving them free play time on the firm surface of the floor I become aware of myself by imitating sounds and expressions that are mirrored back to me by close adults: laughing and gurgling during physical interactions. Listen, respond to and build on babies’ expressions, actions, and gestures, engaging in conversation with them. Understanding emotions What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I find comfort in touch and in the human face. Let me see your face or hear your voice when I am feeling upset. I gain physical, psychological and emotional comfort from ‘snuggling in'. Relax with me in a cosy and quiet place. I am usually soothed by warm and consistent responses from familiar adults. Establish a few routines, so I can get familiar with it. I show a range of emotions and I thrive when my emotional needs are met. Cuddle me when I feel upset, reassuring me of your presence. Communication and Language Listening and attention What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I look at people when they speak to me, but my attention diverts once they stop. Be close to me (ideally at my eye level) and make eye-contact when you talk to me. I enjoy listening to familiar sounds, words, or finger plays. Repeat familiar sounds, words and phrases, so I can start to recognize it. My attention is still developing so I can only concentrate on voices or sounds for short moments. Change activity or allow for some quiet time, if you notice that I am looking for less/a different type of stimulation. Understanding What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I can smell and recognise the voice of my main carer and I know that you are the person who comforts and feeds me most. Do lots of skin to skin contact with me to make me feel safe and understand that you are my parent who comforts and takes care of me. Speaking What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I make sounds with my voice in social interaction. Respond to the sounds I use to communicate with you, by mimicking it. Physical Development Moving and handling What I might be able to do now How can you support me? As I am lying on my tummy, I am starting to pull my head up. Place objects slightly above my eye level, e.g. a mobile with favourite objects, to encourage me to pull my head and chest up to look at it. I watch and explore my hands and feet. Play finger and toe games with me. I reach out for, touch and begin to hold objects. Place a few objects nearby me, e.g. soft toys in bright/high contrast colours. I am beginning to investigate objects and materials with hands and mouth. Let me explore resources with my mouth, as long as they are safe for me. Health and self-care What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I enjoy when people cuddle me, stroke me and pat me. As you talk to me, stroke my cheeks or massage my back. I use my voice and movements to communicate when I am uncomfortable, hungry or thirsty. Notice the different sounds and movements I use to communicate when I am uncomfortable, and respond by picking me up, rocking me gently and singing/talking softly to me. Literacy Reading What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I like to look at books and pictures alongside a familiar adult. Set up a cosy reading corner where you and I can enjoy looking at books. Writing What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I need to learn how to use words first, before I can attempt to write it. Talk to me so I can learn lots of words. Mathematics Numbers What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I enjoy listening to you sing number nursery rhymes to me using puppets and actions. Let us Shape, space and measure What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I develop an awareness of shape, form and texture as I interact with my environment. Encourage me to use my senses to explore objects of different shapes and sizes. Understanding The World People and Communities What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I enjoy being cuddled and spending time with my main carers. Give me lots of cuddles and skin to skin time so that I can feel secure and loved. The World What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I explore the space around me through movement and sensory exploration. Provide spaces that give me different views of my surroundings. I learn by observation about actions and their effects. Let me play with resources that move or make sounds when touched. Technology What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I use my senses to explore the objects around me first, before understanding what I can do with it. Encourage me to use my senses to explore the features of objects. Expressive Arts and Design Exploring media and materials What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I explore the world around me, using my senses. Allow opportunities for me to explore materials for example, manipulating sensory toys. Being imaginative What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I need to explore the world and learn to communicate, before I can use art to represent my ideas. Encourage me to explore the world with my senses and talk to me, so I can learn to communicate.