Areas of Learning Personal Social And Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding The World Expressive Arts and Design Personal Social And Emotional Development Making relationships What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I interact with others by using sounds, words and pointing. Mimic the sounds and actions I use to communicate with you. I am beginning to make friends with special people. Introduce me to special grown ups and tell me their names. I might get upset or worried when I meet new grown ups for the first time. Introduce me to new grown ups, but stay by my side for reassurance as I get to know them better. I am more confident to explore new situations when I am supported by a grown up. Encourage me to explore my surroundings but be there for support when I need it. I enjoy watching what other people are doing. Let me play alongside other children and adults, so I can observe what they are doing. Sense of self What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I enjoy finding my nose, eyes or tummy when you play games or sing songs. Play mirror games with me, e.g. pointing at my nose, arms and legs whilst naming them. I make different noises and sounds with my voice to request for your attention or help. Notice the different sounds and actions I use to communicate with you (e.g. when I am tired, hungry or want to play). I use pointing and gazing to indicate my interests, wants and needs. Tell me the names of the objects and people I am pointing to. I engage you in helping me to achieve a goal, such as getting an object out of reach. Notice my body language when I am about to request for something, and let me know the names of the things I am interested in. Understanding feelings What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I will reach for you when I am feeling excited, happy, tired or cross. Tell me the names of the emotions I am feeling, such as ''happy'', ''sad'' and ''cross''. I might like to use a comfort object to soothe myself. Give me a special toy or comforter when I am feeling sad or upset. I cooperate with you as you wash me, change my nappy or get me dressed. Talk about what you are doing as you wash me, change my nappy or get me dressed. I am beginning to understand a few boundaries, for example, when you say 'yes or 'no'. "Use a gentle but firm voice to tell me ''yes'' and ''no'', and praise me for my good listening. Communication and Language Listening and attention What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I enjoy moving my body when I hear music. Sing songs to me, throughout our daily activities. I am curious to explore the environment around me. Place interesting materials and objects nearby, for me to explore. I am able to concentrate for a short period of time, e.g. when playing with a toy or activity. Provide a range of multi sensory play resources which I can explore independently. Understanding What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I observe your body language, as you point to things and make gestures. Hold my hands to help me do actions when you sing songs. I respond to simple and familiar requests, e.g. I point to my nose when asked to. Play games such as ‘’Where is your nose?” Repeat the play with names of other body parts or familiar objects. I am beginning to understand familiar words, for example, 'cup', 'daddy' or 'teddy'. Point at people and objects and tell me their names. Speaking What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I use sounds as I play with certain toys, e.g. “brrrm” for toy car or “mooo” for toy cow. Play sound games with me, e.g. animal sounds with flashcards/masks, or vehicles’ sounds with toy cars. I am beginning to say a few familiar words, e.g. 'mummy', 'teddy'. Tell me the names of the things I am playing with, whilst encouraging me to repeat it. I copy the sounds and words I hear you saying as we play together. Describe what we are doing as we play, using simple sentences with relevant keywords. I enjoy making lots of different sounds and learning new words to communicate. Repeat back to me the different sounds I use to communicate, and encourage me to copy some of your words. Physical Development Moving and handling What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I can sit up on the floor without support. As I get better at sitting, give me as little support as needed. When I am sitting, I lean forward to pick a toy. Place a treasure box next to me, so I can lean forward to explore what's inside. I am starting to pull myself up while holding on to furniture or holding on to you. Give me lots of practice standing, for example, encourage me to pull up on my knees when I am sitting down, or stand whilst leaning against large cushions. I move around by crawling, shuffling or rolling over. Put my favourite toys on the floor, so I can crawl or bottom shuffle to get them. I hold on to furniture, then I lift my feet and walk sideways. I can also walk when you hold my hands. Place small items of furniture or large boxes around my play area, so that I can hold onto it when I am attempting to walk. I take my first steps without support. Stand or kneel in front of me, and encourage me to walk towards you. I pass toys from one hand to another, as I play with it. Play ball games with me, such as passing the ball from one hand to another. I can hold two objects in each hand and then bang them together. Show me how to bang two objects together, e.g. cymbals, blocks or small pots and lids. I use my thumb and fingers to pick small objects, e.g. a grape. Offer me finger foods, so I can practice picking it with my thumb and fingers. I enjoy making movements that create marks on materials such as sand, paste and paint. Let me explore play dough and finger paint. I hold a chunky crayon with my whole hand and I draw marks randomly. Give me chunky pens and crayons, so that I can make random marks on paper. Health and self-care What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I open my mouth when I see the spoon, as you feed me. Let me touch the food in the bowl as you feed me with the spoon. I can hold my own lidded cup or bottle. Let me hold my own bottle. I can pick finger foods with my hands and bring it to my mouth. Offer me finger foods, so I can feed myself. I can use a spoon. I can lift it up to my mouth but sometimes the food falls off. Give me a spoon and let me try to feed myself. I lie still and lift my legs up when you change my nappy. Describe what you are doing as you change my nappy. I am beginning to tell you that I made a wee or poo in my nappy, e.g. by pointing or making a face. Before changing my nappy, ask me if there’s ‘’poo’’ or ‘’wee’’ in it. Literacy Reading What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I am interested in looking at pictures in books. Give me a few books to explore and look at, e.g. board or cloth books with textures, bright colours and flaps. Let me hold the book/ turn the pages as you read stories. Writing What I might be able to do now How can you support me? Before I can write, I need to learn how to use words and explore the marks I can make with my body. Give me chunky pencils and chalks to play with. Mathematics Numbers What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I learn about numbers' names as we sing rhymes and songs together. Sing number nursery rhymes to me, e.g. ‘’Five Currant buns’’, ‘’Five little ducks’’. I watch you hiding a toy and then I go and look for it. Play peek-a-boo games with me. Let me find toys hidden in sand or under a fabric. Shape, space and measure What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I can differentiate between big and small objects, e.g. a big ball vs a small ball. Let me explore a collection of objects, e.g. balls of different sizes, or blocks of different shapes. I am starting to understand daily routines, e.g. I see the plate and spoon and I know it's time for a meal. Be consistent with the timing of our routine activities, as much as possible. Understanding The World People and Communities What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I enjoy interacting with others and I am developing attachments with special people. Introduce me to people when we are out and about. The World What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I like to watch what's happening in my surroundings, e.g. what people, animals and vehicles do. Take me for a walk to the park, farm or on a bus ride. When I see you hiding a toy, I will look for it. Play hide and seek games with me, e.g. hiding and finding a favourite toy. I will look for objects after you have dropped them. Let me throw objects and observe what happens next. I enjoy banging objects together and filling containers with things. Let me play with objects that match/fit together, such as blocks, containers and lids. As we play, I learn that objects can be used in different ways, e.g. a ball can be rolled and a car pushed. Give me play objects which can be used in different ways, e.g. objects that roll, bounce, or spin. Technology What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I explore lots of different objects in order to find out what I can do with it. I explore lots of different objects in order to find out what I can do with it. Expressive Arts and Design Exploring media and materials What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I use my body and senses to explore what I can do with different materials, e.g. sand or paint. Let me use my senses to explore a range of different objects and materials, e.g. edible paint or dough, texture mats, sounds and movement play. I enjoy moving my body when I hear music. Encourage me to clap along in response to singing/music. I copy the actions that I see you doing, e.g. clapping or waving. Encourage me to copy actions as you sing songs, e.g. touching ‘’head’’, ‘’shoulders’’, ‘’nose’’. I move my body when I hear music and I enjoy listening, singing and acting nursery rhymes. Play nursery rhymes and encourage me to dance with you. I am interested in exploring what happens when I move my hands over paint or other materials. Give me chunky crayons, chalks and finger paint, so I can make marks on paper. Being imaginative What I might be able to do now How can you support me? Before I can use art to represent my ideas, I need to explore the word and learn how to use words. Let me explore plenty of different objects - not only my toys but also household objects that are safe for me to play with.