Areas of Learning Personal Social And Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding The World Expressive Arts and Design Personal Social And Emotional Development Making relationships What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I am sociable and enjoy the company of others. Let me meet special grown ups and tell me their names. I learn by interacting with others, e.g. looking at them and copying their facial movements. Play copying games with me, such as mimicking my movements, facial expressions and sounds. I show interest in my environment, and I respond when talked to. Talk to me, describing what I am doing, as I explore my immediate environment. I depend on close attachments with a special person within my setting. I need to spend time and create bonds with you. I enjoy looking at people and watching what they are doing. Allow me to develop interest about my immediate environment, by observing you as you do your own home activities. I learn that special people are a source of sustenance, comfort and support. Look at pictures of special people with me, for example family members or close friends. Sense of self What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I show pleasure in shared experiences, e.g. I laugh when I am being tickled. Play tickling games with me. I learn that I have an influence on and am I influenced by others, as I make contact with them. Talk back at me or mimic my gestures, as I communicate with you. Understanding feelings What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I find comfort in touch and in the human face. Let me see your face or hear your voice when I am feeling upset. I gain physical, psychological and emotional comfort from ‘snuggling in'. Relax with me in a cosy and quiet place. I am usually soothed by warm and consistent responses from familiar adults. Establish a few routines, so I can get familiar with it. I show a range of emotions and I thrive when my emotional needs are met. Cuddle me when I feel upset, reassuring me of your presence. I react to people's emotions, for example, I smile when I'm smiled at. Respond to my emotions by mimicking it, or emphasizing it with gestures or a different voice intonation. Communication and Language Listening and attention What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I listen to familiar sounds and I move my head to find them. Try making sounds with different types of objects, so I can look for its source. I listen to, distinguish and respond to intonations and the sounds of voices. Talk to me with a lively voice and try different intonations to express different types of feelings, e.g. happy or surprised. As people interact with me, I respond by looking at them, smiling or moving. Sing and play peek-a-boo with me, noticing my responses to it. I might become quiet or alert when I hear noises or people speaking. Talk our activities through, using simple words and phrases. I enjoy listening to familiar sounds, words, or finger plays. Repeat familiar sounds, words and phrases, so I can start to recognize it. Understanding What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I stop and look at people when they say my name. Talk to me by saying my name and then use simple words to describe what I am doing. I am starting to understand the meaning of some actions and words when they are used together. Use gestures alongside words when communicating with me, for example, wave and say ‘’bye bye’’, or use a few simple makaton signs, for words such as ‘eating’ or ‘drinking’. Speaking What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I communicate in a variety of ways, including crying, gurgling, babbling and squealing. Notice patterns in the different sounds I use to communicate, so you can better understand what I am trying to tell you. I make sounds with my voice in social interaction. Respond to the sounds I use to communicate with you, by mimicking it. As people are about to pick me up, I lift my arms towards them. Use gestures and movement to communicate with me, besides words. Physical Development Moving and handling What I might be able to do now How can you support me? When I see or hear something, I turn my head in response. Allow me to play with different types of interesting sensory activities and resources, including objects to be sucked, pulled, squeezed and held. I am learning to hold my head up without my carer's support. Encourage me to gradually share control of the bottle with you. I make movements with arms and legs which will gradually become more controlled. Plan areas with interesting play resources, where I can practice reaching for/kicking objects using hands and feet. I roll over onto my tummy or onto my back. Put me on my tummy or back, on a soft mat, so I can explore my movements. As I am lying on my tummy, I am starting to pull my head up. Place objects slightly above my eye level, e.g. a mobile with favourite objects, to encourage me to pull my head and chest up to look at it. I watch and explore my hands and feet. Play finger and toe games with me. I reach out for, touch and begin to hold objects. Place a few objects nearby me, e.g. soft toys in bright/high contrast colours. I investigate objects and materials with hands and mouth. Let me explore resources with my mouth, as long as they are safe or edible. Health and self-care What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I enjoy when people cuddle me, stroke me and pat me. As you talk to me, stroke my cheeks or massage my back. I use my voice and movements to communicate when I am uncomfortable, hungry or thirsty. Notice the different sounds and movements I use to communicate when I am uncomfortable, and respond by picking me up, rocking me gently and singing/talking softly to me. I make sounds or move my arms and legs, to show that I am interested in meals times. Encourage me to use my senses to explore food and drink at mealtimes, even if that includes making a mess. Literacy Reading What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I like to look at books and pictures alongside a familiar adult. Set up a cosy reading corner where you and I can enjoy looking at books. Writing What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I need to learn how to use words first, before I can attempt to write it. Talk to me so I can learn lots of words. Mathematics Numbers What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I notice changes in the quantity of objects or images I see, hear or experience. Let me explore containers with different groups of objects, e.g. groups of up to 3 items. Shape, space and measure What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I develop an awareness of shape, form and texture as I interact with my environment. Encourage me to use my senses to explore objects of different shapes and sizes. Understanding The World People and Communities What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I concentrate intently on faces and enjoy interaction. I form attachments with special people. Introduce me to different people, so I can develop relationships with grow-ups. The World What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I explore the space around me through movement and sensory exploration. Provide spaces that give me different views of my surroundings. I might become upset or surprised when I can no longer see a familiar face or object. Provide spaces that give me different views of my surroundings. I am intrigued by novelty and events and actions around me. Make small changes in my immediate environment, to encourage my curiosity. I smile with pleasure at recognisable playthings. Let me play with a few objects, and notice which ones are my favourites. I learn by observation about actions and their effects. Let me play with resources that move or make sounds when touched. Technology What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I use my senses to explore the objects around me first, before understanding what I can do with it. Encourage me to use my senses to explore the features of objects. Expressive Arts and Design Exploring media and materials What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I explore the world around me, including different types of media and materials. I explore the world around me, including different types of media and materials. Being imaginative What I might be able to do now How can you support me? I need to explore the world and learn to communicate, before I can use art to represent my ideas. Encourage me to explore the world with my senses and talk to me, so I can learn to communicate.