Cloud dough is a simple, sensory-rich activity that toddlers love, and it’s a fantastic way to support their development. It is made from just two ingredients: flour and oil, making it a safe and easy-to-clean-up activity. Ingredients: 8 cups of flour 1 cup of vegetable oil or baby oil Paint of food colouring (optional) Instructions: Pour the flour into a large mixing bowl. Gradually add the oil, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches a moldable consistency. Let your child explore, shape, and play with the dough! Educational Benefits: Physical Development: Playing with cloud dough helps develop fine motor skills. As toddlers squish, pinch, and mold the dough, they strengthen the small muscles in their hands, which are essential for future writing skills. Communication and Language: While playing, encourage your toddler to describe the dough’s texture, shapes, and what they’re creating. This supports vocabulary building and expressive language skills, crucial components for communication and language development goals. Personal, Social, and Emotional Development: Cloud dough play encourages independence and boosts self-confidence as children explore and experiment with the material on their own. It’s also a calming activity that can help toddlers regulate their emotions. Understanding the World: This sensory play introduces basic scientific concepts. Discussing the texture change when oil is added to flour helps toddlers understand cause and effect, fostering curiosity and an early love for science. Expressive Arts and Design: The open-ended nature of cloud dough play encourages creativity. Whether making pretend cupcakes or shaping animals, toddlers engage in imaginative play, which is a key part of their creative development. Important reminder: always supervise your babies and toddlers while they interact with any objects and materials.